Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Keep Nepotism in the Family

We invite everybody we meet to call us anytime to ask us video questions. You don't have to be our client or customer, you just have to be interested in video and be looking for answers.

Yes, we want to be the go-to guys for video. Why? Well, it's good for business. Often people will come to realize that video is harder than it looks, and hire us. 

But also, we get the satisfaction of sharing information that we learned the hard way over time. It feels good to be able to get that extra advantage out of the hard work. 

My Cousin Has a Camera

One of the most common questions/comments we hear is that (fill in the blank) "My _______ (husband, wife, niece, nephew, son, daughter ... ) has a camera and will work very cheaply." 

That's a tough one. 

Cameras are great now and the software is plentiful and affordable ... even free. Here's the problem.

Most videos now are web videos. Web video is wonderful for web sites for a whole bunch of reasons I'll talk about later. If used properly, visitors to your web site are darn near greeted by a short video selection. 

Like walking into a store and someone greets you and offers useful information.

But you never get a second chance to make a great first impression. Would you let your relative make a suit you planned to wear to a new-business meeting? Would you let that person come along and make your business pitch? Or would you send them out in your place? Probably not. 

How much business reputation are you willing to risk in these trying times. 

A Brief Video Checklist

So don't just post a video because someone with your DNA made it. People will decide about your company based on your video. If it's sloppy, they will think that about your company, and so forth. 

Look for these qualities: 

1. Is the video all in focus and more importantly, is the sound wonderful? Loud and clear.
2. Spelling on the I.D. bars and titles? Is it good?
3. Does anything jerk, jump or spasm onscreen. If you notice it, nobody else will miss it. 

And finally,

4. Does the video, no matter how well produced, make a clear points-of-difference case for your company? If it doesn't, does it matter if it's well-produced. In the end content is what makes the difference in successful business video.  

That's it from here. Be well. Do well. Call or  write with any questions. 

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